Mbupu efu na ngwaahịa niile

Nhazi na ntụkwasị obi gbadabere: 8mm gas listes clamps

N'ime ụlọ ọrụ ebe nchekwa na-enweghị mkparịta ụka - dịka nke automative, sistemụ gas, na igwe na-arụ ọrụ - The 8mmGas ahịrị ahịrị gasseries emerge as game-changing solutions. Ezubere maka ngwa na-achọ arụmọrụ akara aka na mfe nke nrụnye, comps ndị a na-eji ngwa ngwa iji mezuo nsogbu ndị kachasị sie ike.


Line Line Lise Clamps guzobere na bandwidth 8mm ha, na-eme ka ha dị mma maka oghere siri ike ma sie ike njikọ. N'agbanyeghị nha ha na-emepụta, mwepụta ndị a na-enye ọkwa dị elu, na-agba mbọ na-enweghị ntụpọ na-enweghị nsogbu na ọnọdụ ndị dị njọ. Crafted for longevity, they are built to withstand vibrations, temperature fluctuations, and corrosive environments, making them a reliable choice for gas lines, fuel systems, and hydraulic applications.


Engineered for user convenience, these clamps require only 2.5NM of mounting torque—a feature that simplifies installation while reducing the risk of over-tightening and hose damage. Oseihe nwaanyiAchịcha ClimpNgosipụta na-enyere aka ọrụ mgbalinye aka, na-echebe hoses site na mmezi ma na-agbasa ndụ ha.

Njirimara isi gụnyere:


Gas na ahịrị mmanụ: Gbaa mbọ hụ na njikọ na-egosi na ebe obibi, azụmahịa, na sistemụ gas na-akpaghị aka.

Hoont na Hydraulic Hydraulic: Nọgide na-edebe ihe dị na igwe na sistemụ oyi na-edozi ahụ.

Akụrụngwa na akụrụngwa ụlọ ọrụ: Nye njikọ mmiri nke pụrụ ịdabere na gburugburu.

Kedu ihe kpatara ịhọrọ mpempe akwụkwọ ndị a?

Elevate your projects with clamps trusted by industry experts. Gaa Mika (Tianjin) Pipeline Teknụzụ Co., LTD iji nyochaa ọnụ ọgụgụ zuru oke ma gbanwee usoro ịkpụcha isi gị.

Oge post: Feb-14-2025